Monday, 11 February 2013

HMV sale poster.

I created my sale poster using the image on the side of my HMV bag, allowing the audience to link them together. I chose to keep my red box design because is an extreme colour and can be associated with passion and danger, making people weary of the colour and it's bound to attract people attention. I also kept the same image as I think it works brilliantly and really contrasts the red box drawing the audiences attention to it immediately. Overall I think this is a really strong piece of work.

HMV Bag Design

I decided to base my bag on a 'Brit Pop' theme, I began to look at artists such as Barbra Kruger and Bansky to base my work on. I found Barbra Kruger's work really inspiring as I liked the way she would use a simple black and white image, with a bright red text box which would dominate the picture. She used her artwork to express her thoughts and opinions and also to convey a message, the message was usually found in the box.

Furthermore, I found Banksy's work inspiring because I liked the way the message in his work was hidden, his work would always have many different meanings. It would make the audience really stop and think about his artwork.

I think this piece of art work is strong and the black and white background really contrasts with the red, box making a bold statement. I think this would be successful because it's bright and eye catching.

To create this artwork I manipulated the image on Photoshop, using Posterize and Threshold to get a graffiti style look. I then used the noise tool to make it look slightly distorted. I then used the rectangle tool to draw a box, then used swatches and the paint bucket tool to fill the box red.

To stick to my Brit pop theme I decided to use the Union Jack as my side panels as it also links with the red on the front of my bag. I then on Photoshop found the font Arial Rounded MT Bold, which is the font that HMV uses to create their artwork. I then wrote HMV on the side to promote that the bag was for HMV.

For the second side panel I stuck to the Union Jack Brit pop idea, I copied and pasted a piece of art work created in an earlier lesson, the text reads 'Icons of Pop'. The text used was created in Adobe InDesign by selecting certain fonts and teaming them with different ones. I chose to use an icon of pop logo on this side to promote the campaign.


For my second front panel I used an image of Coldplay, I chose to use Coldplay as one of my front panels as they were listed on our top 100 album list. Also I thought that they represented and went with my Brit pop theme. As they are seen as an alternative British band. To create this piece of art work I selected a black and white image from Google, making sure that this design linked with my previous ones. I then used the 'Pen Tool' on photo shop and began to draw around the main parts of the image I wanted to use, I then opened a new page and using the paint bucket tool, filled it red. I then selected the pieces of the Coldplay image I wanted to use, using 'Command+ C', then pasting it using 'Command+V'. Some areas of the picture needed filling as you could see the black and white background pouring through, so I then used the 'Eye Dropper Tool' to then filled in the gaps using the brush tool. I then selected the logo I had created in previous lessons and placed it onto the image.

For the bottom of my bag I stuck with the Union Jack used on the side panels of my bag, and used HMV's font and wrote their name and website address.

Monday, 14 January 2013

Icons of pop

For my design I used the threshold tool to create the black and white effect linking to my theme of Banksy. I then used the Posterize tool to make it look pixelated along side the Noise tool.

I then used the font tool and placed the font on a red rectangle in the style of Barbra Kruger.

Monday, 7 January 2013

Inspiring Artists- Barbara Kruger.

I like this image because it's really stands out, the artist has chosen to cover Hitler's eyes as eye contact has a more intense effect. It's as if the artist thinks if Hitler looks into your eyes he can see your mind and control and manipulate you. Which links to the words she has written, the red background could be a connotation for danger. It's also very bright against the black and white background adding impact.

Inspiring Artists- Banksy

This piece of work is inspiring because it goes against stereotypical views, this piece of art is making a statement that anyone no matter what profession, gender or race can be homosexual.  The colours used are black and white which could be a connotation for right and wrong as homosexuality is seen to be a very "black and white" subject... People either agree or disagree with it. Also it stands out and goes with the theme of policeman's uniform.

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Final Logo Design.

I then picked the logo which I thought was the strongest, then I began to manipulate it. I used the 'Slice Tool' to cut the rectangle making the rectangle have curved edges on one side and straight on the other. Giving it a dynamic look. I then used the 'Direct Selection Tool' to select the 'I' and colour it white, I then used it again to change the background shape from pink to white. I then used the 'Direct Selection Tool' to drag the 'I' down so it was the same height as the top font of the logo, so the 'I' was overlapped by 'of pop'. This is my final design for 'Icons of Pop'. I think the logo is strong and appealing, the overall feel of the logo is cool, dynamic and edgy.

Colouring The Logo's.

Then also in Adobe Illustrator CS6  I dragged the fonts into a new document creating it by using the new document shortcut again 'Apple' and 'N'. Then grouped the fonts selecting them by using the 'Direction Selection Tool' then 'Shift' and 'G'. Then copying the fonts by using 'Apple' and 'C' and pasting them using 'Apple' and 'V'. I developed the fonts using colour, by using the Direct Selection Tool and then using the Swatch Tool. I created the coloured rectangles by using the Rectangle Tool, and colouring it using the Direction Selection Tool and using swatches to colour them.